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Presentamos Track and Trace en el portal Ti-Pure™ Flex

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Introducing Ti-Pure™ Flex

Ti-Pure™ Flex is a new, simple way for companies around the world to do business with Chemours Titanium Technologies.

Ti-Pure™ Terms and Conditions for Product Samples

Use Recommendations and General Restrictions

Ti-Pure™ EU Statement of Compliance for Food Contact Materials for Paper

Ti-Pure™ titanium dioxide pigments grades are produced according to our quality management system, which complies with the requirements of the Regulation (EC) n° 2023/2006, on good manufacturing practice for materials and articles intended to come into contact with food.

Foire aux questions au sujet des solutions Ti-Pure™

Trouvez des réponses aux questions fréquentes au sujet des solutions Ti-Pure™.

Dioxyde de titane Ti-Pure™ : Événements

Trouvez un webinaire, un séminaire ou une conférence sur les produits de la marque Ti-Pure™.

Ti-Pure™ Grade Selection Guide for Plastics

Find the right grade for your plastic applications.

Conflict Minerals Statement for Ti-Pure™ Titanium Dioxide Pigments

On July 20, 2010, HR 4173, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, was signed into law.

CONEG and Ti-Pure™ Titanium Dioxide Pigment

Ti-Pure™ titanium dioxide pigment R-900 is acceptable for packaging materials for food contact uses under Standard GB 9685-2016, and subsequent amendments, for use in paper.

R-741 Titanium Dioxide

Ti-Pure™ R-741 is manufactured by slurrying Ti-Pure™ R-931 with water and dispersants under conditions that optimize the paint performance of the pigment in the architectural coating.