Creating titanium dioxide innovation and tackling megatrends, for current and future industries and applications

Titanium dioxide (TiO₂) is a critical raw material in the coatings, plastics, and laminates segments, three areas of focus for our Titanium Technologies business. Ti-Pure™ TiO₂ innovation has driven progress globally for our customers within these industries for nearly a century.

Ti-Pure™ TiO₂ innovation is poised to raise the bar on current applications and expand the impact of our technology to deliver sustainability while addressing key megatrend challenges across our targeted applications.

That is why we have launched four Innovation Platforms: Circularity, Climate Impact, Health & Wellness, and Resource Efficiency across the coatings, plastics, and laminates segments. These innovation platforms address four key megatrends in sustainability, and stem from our mission to deliver product innovation with sustainability value.

The symbols used for each innovation platform are designated by the icons pictured below and they are also assigned to products in our Ti-Pure™ Sustainability (TS) portfolio so that customers can quickly see which type of sustainability innovation the products in this series provide.

Customer Applications

Four Key Innovation Platforms Linked to Megatrends and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Our 4 key Innovation Platforms are an extension derived from the United Nations (UN) five key megatrends that are shaping the future of the world as we know it:

  • Clean energy & environment
  • Urbanization
  • Connectivity
  • Evolution & Expansion of Health & Wellness
  • Climate Impact & Circular Economy

To accelerate positive action on these megatrends, the UN defined a set of 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs). In addition to customer needs, these megatrends also drive our product development focus. They create both challenges and opportunities for the TiO₂ industry and society more broadly.

With a firm understanding of these megatrends and our customers’ sustainability ambitions, we plan to focus our research investment and make an impact through titanium dioxide innovation.

Through these four Innovation Platforms, we intend to share our progress on how our innovation enables customers’ applications, by tackling megatrends. We invite collaboration with our customers through showcasing thought leadership content, application case studies, event details, and related product links that ultimately serve as a live hub to educate our customers, investors, and markets, on how Ti-Pure™ is using the power of chemistry to tackle some of society’s greatest challenges.

Innovation Platforms and Their Application Areas 

Each platform focuses on key applications spaces, where Ti-Pure™ innovation is driving differentiation.

  • Circularity: Enables applications for reuse and recycling, end of life management, and waste management
  • Climate Impact: Enables applications for energy generation, energy storage, and thermal management
  • Heath & Wellness: Enables applications for health & performance, food protection, and improved handling and use
  • Resource Efficiency: Enables applications for durability and functionality, sustainable building material, and sustainable raw materials

The diagram below shows our focus areas for each innovation platform, driven by societal megatrends and customer needs.

Graphic showing importance on Resource Efficiency, Circularity, Health & Wellness, and Climate Impact